Nak cakap salah tak nak cakap pun salah, jika anda berpandangan baik eloklah dilaporkan video ini kerana ia mengaibkan dan bukan hukuman seperti ini yang sepatutnya, masihkah ada pembelaan untuk mereka ? Anda Mampu Mengubahnya


  1. apa salahnya bagi hok tino tu pakai suar dulu kot iya pun nak soal siasat..ke abe guard tu nok jugak?

  2. Maksiat ni dimana2 pun akan berlaku, selagi nama manusia kalau iman nipis macamni la akan terjadi, walaupun di negeri serambi mekah, jadi ambillah iktibar jangan suka mengata orang lain tu semuanya kaki maksiat

  3. guard ni pun sama nak layan juga. sepatutnya bagi budak perempuan ni pakai seluar di dulu. kita tahu dia salah. bukan begini caranya..ni masalah orang kita tak faham cara ambil tindakan tapi buat2 pandai.. bengong.

  4. mmmg cara ni saloh.. aib org. n pok gak tu bodoo... mintak rasuah pulak tu. tp xleh lah sbb ia tjadi di kelate, tempat tokguru... nk halalkan segalo caro... memey saloh.. mintak pihak yg bkuasa @ tokguru ke... tolong tangkap 22.. couple dan juga pok guard tu jgk.

  5. weii... mano nik aziz nih...rakyat demo ni, exco serambi mekoh lain g mano wei...

  6. ini barang baik weh ini barang baik.... =)

  7. Gigih tanya mana nik aziz? Habis disko dan chow kit yang memnag maksiat terang2 tu nak tanya siapa?

  8. taw pown masyrakat kelantan terasa...slama ni duk kata negeri owg lain, skng terkena negeri sendiri konon2 serambi mekah 2..xpyah buat2 pandai cakap politik le..

  9. hop aloo buke sumo mausio tu sempurno..ado jugop hop bolok pranga jadik samo2 ambik iktibar

  10. SHAH ALAM: Five men, including four brothers charged with polluting Sungai Gong in Rawang have been released on bail by the Shah Alam High Court.

    Yip Kok Wai, 53; Yip Kok Mun, 58; Yip Kok Kuin, 50, Yip Kok Wong, 60 and Yip Kum Fook, 66( Yip kum fook is president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHST TEMPLE) – directors of a machinery repair company – and workshop manager Ho Voon Leong, 59, were released yesterday on a RM400,000 bail each, with one surety, by Judicial Commissioner Norsharidah Awang.

    The five had been charged with dumping hazardous materials into Sungai Gong, which had resulted in sudden water cuts in Selangor for several days as the water was too contaminated for treatment plants to process.

    The five appeared before Norsharidah after she allowed their review application against an earlier decision by the Sessions Court to deny them bail.

    Norsharidah also ordered the men to surrender their passports to the court.

    Although they were allowed bail, Norsharidah held in her judgment that she had taken into account the gravity of the alleged offence, as well as the danger if the crime was repeated.

    She also said she had taken into account the health conditions of the accused persons.

    “This is a serious case which caught the public eye, so the court allows all the accused to be released on bail of RM400,000 each with one surety, besides the additional condition for them to surrender their passports to the court, and if any offence is committed during this duration, the court will rescind the bail,’’ said Norsharidah.

    On Sept 17, all five men had filed the review application against the Selayang Sessions Court’s decision to deny them bail.

    They were earlier slapped with two charges at the Selayang Sessions Court on Sept 15.

    The men were first charged under Section 430 of the Penal Code with causing mischief by injury to irrigation works near the Yip Chee Seng & Sons Sdn Bhd workshop at Lot 4219, Jalan Batu Arang, Kg Sungai Dua, Rawang between Sept 2 and 3 that led to serious water pollution in Sungai Gong.

    They were also charged under Section 25 (1) of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 with discharging scheduled waste without a licence into the environment, leading to pollution.

    The accused claimed trial to both charges.

    They face a jail sentence of not less than five years and not more than 30 years, or a fine, or both, under Section 430 of the Penal Code and face a fine not exceeding RM100,000, or a jail sentence not exceeding five years, or both, under Section 25 (1) of the Environ-mental Quality Act 1974.

    In submission, counsel for the accused Datuk Akberdin Abdul Kader said bail should be allowed as there was no evidence that indicated the accused would abscond or interfere with witnesses.

    DPP Mohd Asnawi Abu Hanipah argued that even though the court had the discretion to allow bail, it should consider the gravity of the case which resulted in 1.2 million consumers being affected during the water disruption.

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  11. Saudara dan saudari yang mencintai Dharma
    Biar saya ceritakan sejarah tentang SAMNAK SAMBODHI, TAMAN DESA JAYA, KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. Kali terakhir kami menjadi ahli kuil tetapi kini kami berjauhan kerana kini Ahli Jawatankuasa amat berbangga dengan aktiviti dan tugas kuil.
    Sebaliknya, presiden kuil sekarang ialah YIP KUM FOOK dan anaknya YIP JIUN HANN. Anaknya selalu berkata kepada para penganut: KUIL INI ADALAH KUIL BAPA SAYA. Atau ayah saya punnya harta …kami semua diam, kerana Kami tahu kuil ini dari mana asalnya...
    Kini AHLI JAWATANKUASA kuil adalah satu-satunya kumpulan mereka sahaja. Orang lain tidak boleh menyertai sebagai ahli dan menggunakan sami Myanmar hanya untuk perkhidmatan dan berkat. Hanya sami Myanmar sahaja yang sangat fikiran cerdik (Semua sami dari Myanmar berpangkat DR atau PH. D), tetapi penganut di sini sangat keliru kerana penganut Buddha di sini tidak pernah mendengar nama itu (gelaran).
    Jika kita faham ajaran Buddha yang mencipta KARMA BURUK. akan menerima apa yang telah dilakukan
    oleh Jawatankuasa sebelumnya
    Samnak Sambodhi, Desa Jaya, Kepong, KL

  12. Please share and forward to all friends

    We would like to inform everyone about YIP KUM FOOK, president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, YIP KUM FOOK has never embarrassed people about him always lying, cheating, insulting Buddhist teachings, etc.

    Recently a lot of people are talking about his character, before this he was a truck driver who sends furniture everywhere, then he studied law courses at some universities but we don’t know he studied courses or not because he doesn’t know law, he deceives people. everywhere. and how lawyers can deceive people without fear of the law

    Hope everyone should care about this name YIP KUM FOOK (LAWYER OR MCA GOMBAK CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT OF SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE), also needs to be shared and forwarded to all. If you make a mistake, you will lose everything, this man or YIP KUM FOOK is very dangerous and his son (YIP JIUN HANN) is also the most dangerous.

    Translated by Dr. Chew

  13. Anonymous said...
    DATUK YIP KUM FOOK sangat jahat kerana menggunakan polis dan gangster untuk menghalau sami Buddha keluar dari kuil, memaksa semua sami Buddha keluar dari kuil secepat mungkin, dll.

    Kemudian Sami Buddha perlu keluar dari Kuil kerana mereka atau pasukan DATUK YIP KUM FOOK kuat dan garang, beberapa sami perlu ke hotel untuk berehat, dan beberapa penganut membawa sami ke rumah mereka di Kepong Baru

    Kalau ada yang tak percayakan kami, sila hubungi Ah Wah, Selayang...Bob Tan, Ah Chuah, dll.... adalah saksi kejadian pada hari tersebut.

    Segala-galanya tidak akan dilupakan oleh penganut Buddha di Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, dan kami akan menghantar maklumat ini kepada dunia Buddha(Buddhist) dan Dunia Buddha Sangha dan juga berkongsi di internet

    Oleh Yap, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong


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